Scottish Kennel Club CH Show 14 – Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (Judge Bernie Watson)
P (3) 1 Mottram’s Mybeards Choco, 10 months old chocolate. Good pigmentation. Compact & so well connected. Good head proportions & very alert. Well boned but just crabbed slightly on the move. Will size matter, I certainly hope not. Pleased to see BP, PG3; OD (2) 1 Sellar’s Mybeards Conclusion, 5 years old & such an easy mover. Pleasing alert head & features. Good spring of rib & deep enough chest. Plenty of muscle & drives on the move. CC & BOS
Blackpool CH Show 14 – Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (Judge Anne Springthorpe)
PD (4) 1 Mottram’s Mybeards Choco, beautifully well balanced choc boy, broad skull with excellent pigment, excellent furrow, correct bite with good depth of underjaw. Strong neck & backline. When moving he covered the ground with ease. This puppy should go far, will watch his progress with interest. BP PGD (1) 1 Mottram’s Mybeards Hero, I saw this boy as a puppy & really loved him, 15 months & although stood alone he is of outstanding quality both stood & on the move. Correct skull with deep muzzle & underjaw. Dark eye with excellent pigment. Good lay of shoulders, level back with broad loin, correct height to length ratio. Thick harsh coat, moved effortlessly covering the ground with ease. Very close decision for the CC, his day will come, pleased to award him the RCC. OD (3) 1 Hilliers’ Mybeards Prince, super b/w of excellent breed type, well balanced skull with correct length of muzzle. Super pigment, excellent front assembly, medium neck, well laid back shoulders, lovely topline, harsh coat. Moved well once he settled down. Excellent presentation;OB 1 Gibson’s Ir Ch Mybeards Izabella at Quinnabeth, this bitch I have admired for a while & can’t believe she is not a Ch. She oozes breed type & is straight from the top draw for quality. Super well balanced bitch with correct head, dark eye, dark pigment. Correct front assembly, strong neck & super topline. Short croup, deep brisket, in full coat which completed the picture. Moved so well covering the ground with ease. She should soon get her well deserved crown. CC;
East of England CH Show 14 – Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (Judge Chris Hardy)
OD 1 Mottram’s Mybeards Hero, good shaped head equal in length, strong muzzle, darkest eye & pigment, excellent front, deep brisket, moderate spring rib with broad loin, good body shape with 9 – 10 proportions & substance. Effortless front extension with a strong driving rear action. BD & BOB. Glad to see him retained into the last few for the group. OB (2,1) 1 Mottram’s Ch Mybeards Wish, sweet feminine bitch with darkest of eyes. Head & muzzle matched with strong underjaw. Well angulated front with good shoulder layback, moderate spring rib with broad lion, good turn of stifle, low set hocks, moved with strong driving rear action. BB & RBOB.
BOSTON CH SHOW 14 – Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (Judge Peter Radley)
JD 1 Mybeards Hero, extremely promising well grown 9 months b/w dog of lovely type, well made all through. Most attractive masculine head giving typical expression. Very good forehand & feet. In good coat, moved with very nice reach & drive keeping his topline. BP & BOS; 2 Derochas Lowlander for Navsposh, well made 8 months black of nice type & overall conformation. Unlucky to meet 1 & close up to him. Pleasing head giving typical expression, balanced angulation front & rear, in nice coat, moved well for his age without quite matching the reach & drive of 1. RBD; 3 Luksus Moscic at Skaijak.
JB 1 Derochas Milosc, promising 6 months baby, well grown for her age, standing alone. Pretty head & expression, balanced angulation front & rear, nice neck, topline & feet, in good coat. Moved very well for her age. RBB. OB 1 Ch Mybeards Wish, outstanding 3 years b/w bitch of lovely type, construction & overall balance. Most attractive head giving typical expression, excellent forehand & feet, in super coat, outstanding ground covering movement. BOB.
Sleaford Open Show Dec 13 (Judge Tim Ball) Mottram’s Mybeards Hero, 8 months parti colour dog who immediately appealed for his overall type, size, outline & balance, just shouting Pons at me! Strong, muscular neck of correct length to balance, good topline, correct depth of brisket, moderate spring of rib & short broad loin. Good bone & substance for one so young. Head of correct proportions with required furrow, dark oval shaped eyes, correct mouth & as whole giving rise to delightful expression. Well constructed all through & a pleasure to watch his typical sound movement. BOB & Puppy; Puppy Group 2
WINDSOR CH SHOW 13 – Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (Judge Allyson King)
JD (2) 1 Hayes’ Mybeards Lightning, 10 months, b/w, nice make & shape & skull shape & bite, good reach in front. Moved well but just needs to settle to give greater fluidity. Well presented. Had edge on movement in challenge for BP, should have bright future. BP; 2 Everest’s Henio de Kaillhanes avec Paddipaws, brown/w, exuberant baby, at the moment appears a shade too long in back, to correct leg ratios needs to come up. Dense jacket, needs to drop some weight, far too heavy at this stage. PGD (0). OD (1) 1 Burdett-Coutts’ Ch Donbray Dorianblue Grzmot at Chrevle, mature well presented lad, good head, eye shape & colour, moved with good actions fore & aft, has lost a few pounds since last judged him to his benefit. BD.
JB (1) 1 Burdett-Coutts’ Chrevle Going For Gold, 10 months, playful cr/w baby, still a little raw for age underneath. Good reach to neck, dense well presented jacket, showed nice action when in a stride. Pattern needs to settle. PGB (1) 1 Churchouse’s Mybeards Violet, mature harsh jacket, lovely make & shape, slate, feminine skull with good dentition, firm topline, natural bob, moved with ease & soundness. RBB. OB (3) 1 Mottram’s Ch Mybeards Wish, mature lady, excellent make, shape & balance, feminine throughout, good reach of neck, super shoulders, firm body & topline showed effortless grace, drive & fluidity on the move. BOB, loved her; 2 Churchouse’s Mybeards Golidlocks, another lovely lady, harshest jacket well presented, good reach of neck, firm topline, moved well but not the fluidity & drive off hocks as 1; 3 Biscoe’s Ponadto Jezyna.
LEEDS CH SHOW 13 – Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (Judge Hugh Jones)
The exhibitors gave me such a pleasing entry considering there was only one set of CCs on offer. The sooner this idea is quashed, the better. Quite a variation in type here, especially in size & gender. I like the males to look masculine & bitches to be feminine.
PD (3) 1 Mybeards Lord Millthorpe, very impressive young male who certainly looks his sex & has all the essentials, when matured, to take him to the top. Good head & expression, straight well boned front, enough reach of neck & level topline held on the move, well angulated rearquarters, stood correct at rear. In the challenge he did enough for me to award him BD, he also went BP; 2 Luksus Moscic at Skaijak, quality male with good expression, dark eyes, good height to length ratio, level topline not he move & had nice rear angulation. Two nice puppies; 3 Mybeards Lightning. JD (1) 1 Dobrany Dorianblue Nizinny, good head properties, straight front, enough reach of neck, well angulated rearquarters, moved out well with handler. PGD (1) 1 Dobrany Dorianbue Lukier at Roughrigg, good head & expression, straight front, enough reach of neck, good depth of rib. Rear movement needs to improve. LD (1) 1 Skaijak Riff Raff, good head & expression, nice dark eyes, well boned front, just enough reach of neck, level topline on the move, moved out well with hander. RBD. OD (3) 1 Skaijak Phanthom, good head & expression, nice reach of neck, good height to length ratio, well angulated rearquarters. Rear stance needs to improve; 2 Derochas D’aurigny, masculine dog with good head & expression, well boned straight front, just enough reach of neck, well angulated rearquarters, moved in unison with handler; 3 Millthorpe Gallant Hero for Hawthornblu. VD (0).
PB (1) 1 Mybeards Dreaming, good feminine head & Expression, straight well boned front, nice reach of neck, level topline held on the move, well handled & shown. JB (2) 1 Skaijaks Tabatha at Lynmar, pleasing head & expression, straight front, level topline held on the move. Needs a bit more control in order to get the best out of her. PGB (4) 1 Dobrany Dorianblue Lalunia at Dollypeg, good head pattern, enough reach of neck, level topline. Would have liked a little more rear angulation; 2 Skaijak’s Serendipity of Tomszill, good head & expression, straight front, enough reach of neck. Rear stance needs to improve; 3 Miss Hanka of Islip. LB (1) 1 Skaijak Roxie, pleasing head & expression, level topline. Rear movement needs to improve. OB (6) 1 Ch Mybeards Wish, true breed type, lovely feminine expression, great pigmentation, just enough reach of neck, correct height to length ratios & moved out well with handler. BOB, G3; 2 Ch Ponadio Jezyna, quality bitch with a good head & expression, dark eyes, correct height to length ratios, well angulated rearquarters. RBB; 3 Ir Ch Mybeards Izabella at Quinnabeth. VB (2) 1 Hawthornblu Meduska, good head & expression, still retaining her breed type & overall quality. Age has now caught up with her & she has added a few pounds in weight. Still a good example of a feminine Pon; 2 Ch Skaijak Little Mynx, feminine lady with good head & expression, correct height to length ratio, held her topline on the move. Two worthy veterans.
THREE COS CH SHOW 13 – Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (Judge Lesley Naylor)
PD (0). OD (2) 1 Mottram’s Ch Mybeards Domination, fully mature male, good size with perfect balance, head of correct proportions, good bite & dark pigment with typical expression, correct shoulder placement, well angulated rear with muscletone resulting in the reach & drive needed to work, held his topline on the move, handled well as not the most motivated of dogs. A very worthy champion. BOB.

Dream_pastoral group 3 Paignton 2011
PB (1) 1 Mottram’s Mybeards Dreaming, well grown 7 months puppy, pretty feminine expression, correct bite, nicely balanced throughout. Needs to settle on the move to show the movement I caught a glimpse of, but only a baby so plenty of time. Stood alone but am sure she will hold her own in any company, will watch her progress with interest. BP. OB (1) 1 Biscoe’s Ch Ponadto Jezyna, just starting to mature. The sweetest of expressions, correct bite & head proportions. Not the biggest of bitches, but plenty of substance to do a day’s work. Nicely balanced throughout, good harsh jacket, moved well holding her topline, well muscled & presented. BB.